sport psychology
sport psychology sessions
The athletes we support tend to support are:​
Currently dealing with performance blocks which are preventing them from performing at their peak. These performance blocks are often related to confidence issues, performance anxiety, fear of judgement and perfectionism.
Are currently injured and are looking to set goals for their recovery to make a full physical and psychological return from injury. This involves addressing re-injury anxiety and training the mind to reduce fear and gradually prepare the mind and body to return to previous performance levels.
Out of form or favour and need support and advice on how to deal with the disappointment. We work together to develop a mental performance framework so you can focus on the controllables and let your game do the talking.
Those who regularly compete and perform and want to develop mental skills around their performance strategy. We work together to identify the sport specific skills you need to perform and tailor them to your game. These include skills such as self-talk, visualisation, goal-setting, mindfulness and mind over mood
Sport Psychology sessions involve the athlete and psychologist working together in a 1-to-1 capacity. We work with athletes from the age 10 upwards across multiple sports, with sessions being tailored to the athletes individual needs.
How Support Works
Elite athletes tend to request ongoing support throughout the course of a season and is based around their training and competition schedules. Amateur Athletes tend to need 5 or 6 sessions which are typically delivered on a weekly or fortnightly basis. We use cognitive-behaviour and solutions-focused approaches which helps the athlete understand the link between thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and teaching them to be effective problem-solvers so that under the pressure and stress of competition, they have a mindset built for performance.

"Our son was recently invited to trial with an Academy Football Team but would often struggle to produce his best football. He struggled with confidence issues and significant performance anxiety which would not only impact his performance on the pitch, but also his mood before and after training. Working with Keval has not only allowed our son to cope with his anxiety and develop the mental skills he needs to perform, but he has also helped us support him on and off the pitch. His insight and knowledge of the football system is second to none. He has given us insight into what coaches expect of players and how we can best help our son take his game to the next level. Undoubtedly the best decision we have made and we look forward to continuing our work with him as our son progresses on his journey through Academy football.
"As a novice to the sport of rowing, I was constantly questioning my abilities to perform in competitions. I felt inferior to those around me and would often worry about what other people thought of me because I didn't have the same level of experience that some of the other guys have on the circuit. Working with Keval has been both enjoyable and productive. He has taught me to really understand the way my mind operates under stress, and think logically about why I am having certain thoughts and feelings before I compete. It's nice to talk to someone who genuinely cares about your situation because the mental side of sport is so often overlooked by those supporting the athlete. Working with him is like working with a friend. I can honestly say that without him, I wouldnt be enjoying the sport as much as I am now.